The man with the watch in his pocket on the far right could be an overseer keeping track of time, and the watch and nice vest seem to suggest he was somewhat affluent. The man in the middle is blurry because he must have moved during the exposure. But who were these guys and what job were they working on? It's possible they were masons, given the fact they are standing in front of an old brick building. The older man on the left is leaning on a wooden barrel and below at his feet is what appears to be a a large hammer. Unfortunately, there is nothing on the back of the image to tell us who they were or where, but someone evidently thought it important enough to snap a photograph of them which has survived long after all these men passed on from this world.
It's funny Chris that you and I both picked up the same photo at that store! Great minds and so on!
I just got some time to sit down and enjoy your photographs. They are very interesting and the commentary is so well-informed. the photograph of the working men reminds me of a modern painting in the Portland Museum of Art. It depicts a group of coopers and the artist superimposed the real photographs of the men's faces. It would be interesting to learn who these men were and also the young boys in the other photo. (BB)
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