Thursday, November 6, 2008

I Wanna Hold Your Hand!

Ok, I know this lovely couple didn't listen to the Beatles. They were about a hundred years too early for that, but still this is a very nice tintype in a decorative paper sleeve of a couple who obviously loved each other very much. I chose this photo because last weekend we attended the wedding of two good friends out in Las Vegas! It was fun. What is also very interesting about this picture is the woman's belt around her voluminous hoop skirt, which has a clasp in the shape of a large butterfly. It is really beautiful. I have no idea where this image was taken, since there is no photographer's backmark on the reverse side. However, there is a period inscription which reads: "Eugenie." Perhaps it was the pretty woman's name. Oh well, another mystery that will never be solved.

1 comment:

JR said...

Great Pic Chris. How was the wedding?