Thursday, November 20, 2008

Vermont Boy

Most of the antique images you will come across have nothing to identify the person(s) in the image, or even where it was taken. However, every now and then I find one that tells a story. This really adorable picture of a little boy would be interesting on its own, but the backmark tells us it was taken by "L.G. Burnham & Co., Burlington, VT." Even better, there is a period inscription in pencil which reads: "Harris Powell Prindle aged 5 years July 8, 1878." The parents of young Harris probably had his photo taken on or around his fifth birthday as a memento, just like a family would do today. That got me thinking though, he must have been quite warm in this little outfit if it was July! The material of his matching coat and pants definitely looks like wool to me. I have tried using a magnifying glass to see what seal is on his buttons, but with no success. Well, now I am very curious to find out what happened to young Harris, but that of course will require a bit more research!! Stay tuned.

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